Salon Promotions That Work

Salon Promotions That Work

March 01, 2023

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Running a successful salon goes beyond your products and services and should include a strong marketing strategy. Engaging with clients and adding value for them through your promotions can help you gain their loyalty and stand out from your competitors.

To truly make an impact, you have to engage the creative marketer within you and execute innovative marketing strategies that make sense for your audience. We’re here to help spark your creativity with our salon promotion ideas if you need inspiration.

Importance of Salon Promotion

Promotions play an essential role in the success of your salon. Through the right promotional activity that targets new and existing clients, you can generate interest in your salon and gain a loyal base of clientele. It’s also the perfect way for you to give clients insight into who your brand is, introduce staff, and highlight the products and services you offer. The benefits of salon promotion include:

  • Strong client relationships: When your promotions add value to clients’ experiences, it enhances your relationship and incentivizes clients to remain loyal to you.
  • Positive brand reputation: Promotions enable you to tell your brand’s story and build your reputation. You can create a good reputation by participating in local community initiatives.
  • Proven expertise: Marketing also presents an opportunity to share your industry knowledge. When you share what you know, you can show that you are a thought leader. When clients see you as an expert, they can trust you.

Shake things up through out-of-the-box marketing ideas. Being a pioneer in your industry is a sure way to stand out from the competition. While your promotions should always be relevant to your brand, making your own rules and taking healthy risks with your ideas helps you enjoy great rewards. If you are new to promotions, choose and execute one idea well. You can add another promotion once you achieve successful results, increase your profits, and grow your business.

8 Salon Promotion Ideas

Every salon owner dreams of having a loyal, consistent client base while attracting new clients. Good businesses can find a balance between the two and create value through their promotions strategy for existing and future customers. Attracting new clients costs six to seven times more than maintaining your current customer base. These unique salon promotions will help you attract new business, stay ahead of your competition, and strengthen relationships with existing clients.

1. Discounts for Friends

The great thing about this discount is that it lets clients bring friends. We’ve all heard of the buy-one-get-one-free model. You can put your spin on it and offer 50% off for a friend or introduce a referral program that offers a gift. It’s the perfect incentive for clients to tell their friends about your salon. If they are happy with your service, you’ll have won over a new client.

2. Free Samples

If you sell products at your salon, offering a free sample to your clients is a great way to add value to their appointment. You can ask the manufacturer for small travel-size products. If a client has completed a high-priced treatment, consider giving them a regular-sized product for home maintenance.

While these are an excellent incentive for clients, try to keep these free samples for specific treatments or appointments, like a first-time customer. If you give them out regularly, clients may grow to expect it with every appointment, which can become costly.

3. In-Person Salon Events

Consider hosting an event if you want more people to visit your salon. There are plenty of creative hair salon event ideas you can use to engage clients. Every few months, host a pamper day at your salon where customers who book many services can enjoy significant discounts on treatments. Make this event unique with value-adds like drinks and gifts to take home. Adding special touches to the day will ensure clients look forward to this event.

In-Person Salon Events

By hosting how-to-group workshops, you can showcase your skills and add value to clients. Consider lessons on topics such as easy ways to style your hair for work or hairstyles for kids that clients can practice at home.

Getting involved in community initiatives or charities is good for giving back and building relationships with locals. Find ways you can use your skills to give back. For example, if there is a local teen beauty contest, consider sponsoring a prize or offering to do the hair for contestants. You can also host a week to donate a percentage of your sales to a local charity, which could encourage more clients to visit.

4. Social Media

How often do you check your social media accounts? People love to share their new hairstyles online, and this is the perfect opportunity for you to show your appreciation. Retweet or share your clients’ posts on your pages. It shows that you value their support, and they will feel appreciated.

5. Monthly Newsletters

Email marketing is still an effective marketing tool and one that salons can take advantage of. Send a newsletter to your clients with information about new services, products, benefits, and even beauty and wellness tips.

The content of your newsletters should be fresh and relevant so clients enjoy receiving and reading them. Consider your customer buyer persona and use your monthly newsletter to give them the information they will love.

6. Local Influencers

Collaborating with influencers is a powerful form of marketing for brands. Working with an influencer doesn’t have to cost you much money. Unless your salon is a chain business, you are likely targeting people within your local community, so it makes sense to collaborate with an influencer in your city or town. Even if they are only known locally, people within your community may hold them in high regard. Working with them can help build your reputation and credibility with locals.

When you choose an influencer to work with, ensure they are a right fit for your brand and check what other brands they work with. You can then offer them services or payment in exchange for posts, being specific on the content you want them to create and where they should post it.

7. Personalized Advice

Add a personal touch to clients’ appointments by offering advice about the specific treatment they received. You can send a follow-up email or message with at-home care tips or complementary colors to wear for their new hair color. Sharing personal advice will show your clients that you care about them and want to help them even after their appointment.

8. Loyalty Programs

Do you have clients who consistently book appointments? Make them feel special through a loyalty program. Research shows 7 out of 10 customers say that loyalty programs secure their dedication to a brand, making a loyalty program a worthy investment. You can let clients collect redeemable points, they can get their tenth treatment free, or you can consider offering a VIP membership.

Learn How Meevo Helps You Market Your Business

Learn How Meevo Helps You Market Your Business

Salon promotions attract and keep clients and grow your business. Your ideas should be unique and creative but also help you achieve your business goals. Meevo’s powerful Marketing Suite has the tools that enable you to become the creative marketer of your brand and engage with your clients. Implement your brand-building strategies and track your marketing using insightful analytics and reports to optimize your marketing campaign’s performance.

See for yourself why salons trust Meevo with their marketing — schedule a demo today!

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